sábado, 13 de agosto de 2011

Rafting Lessons - What I learned doing Rafting in Jaciara, Mato Grosso

Before you begin Rafting

- You've got to hire a team of good people, better than you, to help you during the Rafting path.

- You've got to trust in these team.

- A Rafting Instructor will teach you what you have to do when things goes well and also during the bad times.

- But even if know what to do and you have a good leader, he can fall and he will need your support to stand up and come to the boat again.

When you are on the boat with your team

- You have to follow the leader. He is seating behind you and in the highest place to see everything and watch his team, and he will say what you have to do. One important thing is that seating in the top is a dangerous place, it is the place where is more easy to fall.

- The Leader have more experience than you, he already did this a lot of times before you, and he will help you during the journey.

- When you start the journey you don't know anything, so you will fear a lot, ask a lot, and have this kind of feeling: "what Am I doing here? Am I crazy? Why Am I doing this?"

But if you have a goal you will not give up and you will keep walking.

- So it comes the first water fall, right now the word water fall changes in your mind, and it becomes the word challenge.

- Again, so it comes the first challenge and you are afraid, but you pass; in these moment you are happy, you pass your first challenge/waterfall and you are ready for the next one.

- In the journey you will overcome a lot of challenges, and, every time you pass a big one, you get stronger and stronger, and you believe more in your team and you keep going.

- In my 4kms of Rafting in Jaciara, in the end there was a Big waterfall and I was afraid.

- I need to say that 2 seconds before the fall you have to use some courage to keep going and pass the Big and LAST challenge of this path.

- In the moment you fall the Big one, you just do what your leader asks you to do and you pass.

- In that moment you are so happy that you passed and you just think "Let's do it again. I loved it".

P.S.: I did this text today (August 12, 2011) after I went rafting at Jaciara, MT.

quinta-feira, 10 de março de 2011

Nossa história e nossos primeiros downloads do Reembolso Fácil Free...

Amigos usuários do Reembolso Fácil,

Hoje pela manhã contabilizamos nossos primeiros downloads no Google Market do aplicativo gratuito Reembolso Fácil Free, disponível desde o dia 8 de Março de 2011.

Estamos felizes em finalmente lançar esse produto no Google Market. O lançamento oficial ocorreu na Campus Party 2011 no dia 18 de Janeiro durante a palestra realizada pelo Caio, co-fundador do produto. Até o dia 8 de Março de 2011 o aplicativo estava disponível apenas para os testes das pessoas cadastradas como Beta Testers do produto, porém não disponível para download no Google Market.

O Reembolso Fácil começou a ser idealizado em 2009 e somente começou a ser codificado em Setembro de 2010. Desde esta data estamos trabalhando e testando esse aplicativo para finalmente lançar um produto que possa ajudá-lo em sua vida de viajante.

Tudo começou quando um dos fundadores, nosso amigo Caio Moreno de Souza (@caiomsouza), sentiu a grande dificuldade em controlar suas despesas de viagem. Em sua vida profissional Caio viaja bastante e muitas vezes suas despesas são reembolsadas por seus clientes.

Toda viagem era a mesma coisa, cadastrar em uma planilha excel ou em um papel as despesas, somar com a calculadora, juntar todas as despesas e finalmente enviar para o cliente. Isso parece algo simples, mas as pessoas que viajam muito vão logo se identificar com essa situação e pensar: ''nossa, isso é muito chato''.

Foi então que a idéia foi concebida: criar um programa de celular onde fosse possível registrar cada uma das viagens e ter um controle, em tempo real, dos gastos e assim conseguir, sem dificuldade, controlar as depesas de viagem. Terminada a viagem o usuário exporta para um arquivo .csv e pode enviar para seu cliente ou até mesmo realizar gráficos, etc.

Ter a idéia nem sempre significa executar a idéia, então depois de um bom tempo @caiomsouza decidiu que ela precisava ser finalmente codificada, e começou a codificar em suas "horas livres" as primeiras versões do Reembolso Fácil.

Após algumas versões, @caiomsouza resolveu convidar Fausto Koga para ajudá-lo no desenvolvimento do futuro produto, e desde então juntos desenvolvem o produto Reembolso Fácil.

Fausto e Caio, se conheceram na Especialização em Tecnologia Java que fizeram na UTFPR (Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná) durante o período de 2009-2010. Lá tiveram seus primeiros contatos com o Sistema Operacional Google Android, e desde então, devido a facilidade com a linguagem Java e com o S.O Android, decidiram lançar a primeira versão do aplicativo apenas para celulares com Android.

Os próximos passos do aplicativo são também funcionar em BlackBerry e iPhone.

Além da versão gratuita disponível no Google Market, a equipe da Reembolso Fácil trabalha em versões empresariais que são adquiridas através do e-mail reembolsofacil@reembolsofacil.com.br.

As versões empresariais são desenvolvidas e customizadas para a necessidade de cada cliente. No geral elas seguem a mesma linha e possuem algumas customizações, mas elas possuem um sincronismo das despesas e viagens com um servidor web, interface web para gerenciamento das despesas, relatórios de despesas, cubos olap, controle de usuário, integração com o ERP da empresa e suporte aos usuários.

Nosso objetivo é atender a todos os tipos de clientes.

Abaixo um video explicando como funciona:


Equipe Reembolso Fácil

sábado, 26 de fevereiro de 2011

Coruja Voadora - Parachute Jump @ Boituva, SP

Hello folks,

Today I jumped with a parachute in a city called Boituva in my state São Paulo.

It was amazing and crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I want to do it again!!!! But it was hard for my heart and you can see it on my video.

I admit, my greatest joy was knowing that the parachute opened correctly. It was a relief to know that I would not die this way.

The company I chose to trust my life was the "Paraquedismo Boituva" and the name of the instructor was André, a very experienced and professional guy. Thanks Andre.

You guys can see me in the video below and look at my face and see how it was hard for me, but I want to do it again. It is so crazy and unbelievable. I fell for about 40 seconds of free fall.

In my next jump I will not work a lot during the week, I will sleep at least 8 hours for at least 3 days consecutive and I will not eat trash food in the days before the jump. At "Paraquedismo Boituva" website they say "rest well the night before the jump".

In my case, last night I traveled from Cuiaba, MT to Campinas,SP, then I went by bus to Sao Paulo and then I took a taxi to my house. I arrived home at 1:00 am and went to bed at 2:30am. I woke up at 6:30am. Did that affect my jump? I do not know, but I almost got sick during the freefall, but I loved it.

See me in the air like a bird, like a flying owl - "Coruja Voadora".

After I jumped I went to a city called "Itu" and ate at Bar do Alemão a really good food.

segunda-feira, 31 de janeiro de 2011

Chapada dos Guimarães @ Mato Grosso, Brazil

Hi folks,

Just wait some days and I will tell you about my trip to Chapada dos Guimarães, MT.

You will love it.

Nobres @ Mato Grosso, Brazil

Hi folks,

There is a city in the State of Mato Grosso do Sul, called Bonito. If you never heard about it, google it and you will like it.

But in the State of Mato Grosso, there is a city called Nobres that is almost the same. Here in Mato Grosso they say that "Bonito é bonito, mas Nobres é Lindo". In english, it means "Bonito is pretty, but Nobres is Beautiful"

So, they say Nobres is better than Bonito.

I had the pleasure to visit some places in Nobres and I loved it.

I do not know what happened with my Camera, but I lost my video of Rio Triste. That place is incredible.

Aquario Encantado - Nobres, Mato Grosso, Brazil

Cuiabazinho River - On the road to Cuiabá from Nobres, Mato Grosso, Brazil

segunda-feira, 24 de janeiro de 2011

Pantanal @ Mato Grosso, Brazil

Hello folks,

I really need to find time to write more in my blog CorujaOnTheRoad.

Since my last post I did some trips around Brazil, but I did not have time to update my blog.

On saturday, january 22, 2011, I went to Pantanal. I always dreamed about going to Pantanal, Brazil.

Have you ever dreamed about seeing "Jacaré" and a lot of other wild animals?

So my dream came true on this saturday and I finally went to Pantanal with my wife.

After learning about the options, we decided to contract a local company called "Confiança Turismo" from Cuiabá, Mato Grosso.

We had included in our package:
- Someone to pick us up at our hotel on Cuiabá,MT;
- Someone with a car and gas to drive us to Pantanal, MT to a "Pousada" called "Pousada Rio Claro";
- Have launch (almoço) at Pousada Rio Claro in Pantanal, MT.
- Have a boat ride and take a lot of pictures with "jacarés";
- It was not included in the package drinks, so we spent 7 reais to drink a Tamarindo Juice (a local juice), for me, it was a little expensive.
- I also took a pool bath.

I can say that this trip was incredible, the whole road called "Transpantaneira" is incredible; and going to the jungle to see the wild animals is just perfect.

I am posting some videos about my trip with my wife. It was just perfect.

I also would like to thank our guide called Edmilson and Gonça for the really good job, we loved it.

We did a lot of other good videos and pics, but we do not put all the videos here.

If you are planning to came to Pantanal in Brazil you will love it, I promisse.

We also ate last week at Lelis Peixaria what they call "Rodizio de Peixes".

Everything you will eat there you will love, even "Jacaré".

Our favorites are:
- Filé grelhado na chapa com molho de Tucupi;
- Pastel de Pirarucu e kibe de peixe;
- Pirarucu a Milanesa;
- Pintado a Milanesa;
- Pacu ao Escabeche;
- Arraia Frita;
- Jacaré no Espeto ou Frito.