sábado, 26 de fevereiro de 2011

Coruja Voadora - Parachute Jump @ Boituva, SP

Hello folks,

Today I jumped with a parachute in a city called Boituva in my state São Paulo.

It was amazing and crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I want to do it again!!!! But it was hard for my heart and you can see it on my video.

I admit, my greatest joy was knowing that the parachute opened correctly. It was a relief to know that I would not die this way.

The company I chose to trust my life was the "Paraquedismo Boituva" and the name of the instructor was André, a very experienced and professional guy. Thanks Andre.

You guys can see me in the video below and look at my face and see how it was hard for me, but I want to do it again. It is so crazy and unbelievable. I fell for about 40 seconds of free fall.

In my next jump I will not work a lot during the week, I will sleep at least 8 hours for at least 3 days consecutive and I will not eat trash food in the days before the jump. At "Paraquedismo Boituva" website they say "rest well the night before the jump".

In my case, last night I traveled from Cuiaba, MT to Campinas,SP, then I went by bus to Sao Paulo and then I took a taxi to my house. I arrived home at 1:00 am and went to bed at 2:30am. I woke up at 6:30am. Did that affect my jump? I do not know, but I almost got sick during the freefall, but I loved it.

See me in the air like a bird, like a flying owl - "Coruja Voadora".

After I jumped I went to a city called "Itu" and ate at Bar do Alemão a really good food.

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